Michael Drew Makes Bestsellers
I met Michael Drew through a series of phone calls in 2001.
Michael had set out to help a few authors find their way through the morass that is the publishing industry. For two hours on a Wednesday afternoon he made my head spin. And I never forgot how powerful, fast thinking and committed he was to his mission.
Well, here we are, mid 2008. And Michael has truly turned the publishing industry on its head. In a big way.
Since that time we've become not only close friends, but partners in helping to "modernize" the publishing world for the better.
To help authors get above the noise of their industry, and achieve Rock Star status.
Now almost anyone can be a bestseller. You need a solid, credible and passionate message (see David Meerman Scott, in the last post for more on that). And you need an insider's knowledge of how the system works.
Michael is that insider. What he can do to help an author scale the ranks of the publishing world will make your head spin.
He and his co-authors also share plenty of wisdom from the pages of his new site: BeneathTheCover.com.
In the interim, please look for Michael and friends at Mark Victor Hansen's programs this May 2008. Michael Drew will be both attending and facilitating the attendees to reach greater heights in their publishing efforts.
Then, in June, find Michael, me and a few of our cohorts in Los Angeles at the Book Expo America. We will be working to promote authors live on the floor of the show.
We look forward to seeing you there. In the interim, please visit Michael Drew's sites and give him a call. You could be the next Bestselling Author.
To your continued success,
Mark Alan Effinger