• Who are you?

  • What's the problem?

  • What will we do?

  • How will we do it?

  • What does it cost?

An Image is Truly Worth 1,000 Words...

And RichContent Media Momentum can improve those numbers in a big way.

See, the web is currently a text-based game. The search spiders are very focused on finding text that aligns with what people search for. If the text is formatted right, it rises to the top of Google's results.

What does this have to do with images?

What people miss is that images can be optimized on various services to out-perform even the best web page. There are a number of factors that make this happen, but suffice to say, it's not only doable but an important part of any online marketing program.

You already have lots of images you could be putting to work: management photos, product photos, advertisements, PDF pitches, slides from your presentations, stills from your videos... it's all god to Google.

We take your images, add "tags" to them, and broadcast to the top image sites. We optimize every part of the image (including invisible ID3 tags only seen by the search engines) to ensure you rise to the top... not just in image searches, but in ANY search.

The more images, the higher your search ranking.

And every image is an opportunity for a click. And every click is a visitor, and a potential customer.

Need more info on how we can make your images make you money? Please email Mark Alan and we'll send you a free whitepaper and case studies of RichContent in action.